Workplace Solutions as a result of COVID-19
As organizations gradually begin to re-open and make their way back to the physical workplace, it is a time filled with much anticipation, and there is much to be done to ensure a successful re-entry.
G|M's COVID-19 Workplace Solutions
As organizations gradually begin to re-open and make their way back to the physical workplace, it is a time filled with much anticipation, and there is much to be done to ensure a successful re-entry. Organizations should take the time to develop a proper plan – one that incorporates the protocols and equipment necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees while preventing further spread of the virus. As you embark on your journey back into your workplaces, we have put together some resources to help you adapt for the NOW, the NEAR, and the FAR. Whether you’re seeking immediate workplace solutions or a comprehensive long-term strategy, G|M is here to help you every step of the way. *Note: products are continually updated on this page.
Reception Desk Shields
Transparent Desk Dividers
Adaptive Workstation Screens
Floor Decals
Sanitation Stations
Forearm Levers
Need help with the return to work?
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