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  • Where Is The Workplace Headed?

Where Is The Workplace Headed?

It depends where in the world you are planning for and who you are

News Where Is The Workplace Headed Primary

Just two years ago HOK surveyed 50 corporate real estate managers worldwide about their workplace solutions and published the results in a Work Design magazine article entitled “Global CRE Challenges and Opportunities.” (1) In that article we described how many companies were developing and implementing workplace standards in locations all over the world.

Our key takeaway from that report was that:

“It’s not enough to understand each company’s unique set of business attributes. We also need to understand the cultural influences of who they are and where they work, as well as the challenges and opportunities of each location. A successful strategy depends on creating spaces and guidelines that are flexible enough to accommodate the cultural attributes, work styles and needs of each region.”

Where Is The Workplace Headed?

Read full article on WorkDesign.com.
