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  • Collete Collection Gives Designers a Workable Suite for Seating Options

Collete Collection Gives Designers a Workable Suite for Seating Options

How will the product impact workplace design?

News Nationals Collette Collection

The increasing emphasis on ancillary furniture options has provided manufacturers to up the ante on their offerings for casual seating that works in the office environments of today. National’s recent introduction of the Collette collection gives designers a workable suite of seating options to play with. This product line offers an innovative solution that melds comfort and durability. The Collette collection of lounge furniture addresses today’s evolving spaces by blending the warmth of home into the workplace. Featuring plush pillows, a relaxed sit, and a classic frame style, Collette’s components can be easily rearranged, providing flexibility to accommodate a variety of environments and configurations. Not only does Collette offer comfort and a contract solution for bringing home-like relaxation and luxury into the workplace, it has the durability of commercial furniture.

Available as a one, two, or three seat lounge, corner options, tables, and ottomans, Collette can be used to outfit grand or modest spaces. Utilize its versatility to create a leisurely space that exudes effortless sophistication. Collette delivers comfortable lounge spaces that encourage interaction and collaboration or cozy nooks for individual respite.

National's Collette Collection Gives Designers A Workable Suite of Seating Options

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