Behind the Scenes with Bonny Aceves
Meet Bonny Aceves, a tenacious furniture installer who has been with G|M for nearly 7 years and is based in G|M’s San Diego Office.
1. Tell me a little bit about your role here at G|M.
Well, I’ve been with G|M for almost 7 years now. My job title is “Assistant Installation Manager” and I am a level 11 Installer and Foreman. I’m in charge of installing furniture out at client sites, repairs, reconfigurations, installing new furniture with old, and pretty much anything that has to do with building or taking apart furniture. I also lead about six other guys.
2. What does “Level 11” installer mean?
G|M has a training program called “Levels” and the higher you go, the higher your level. Each level has a list of tasks that need to be done in order to move up to the next one. Level 11 is actually the very top level that can be achieved as an installer/foreman and only myself and a few other guys here are level 11 installers.
3. What do you enjoy most about your role with G|M?
The team and atmosphere. It’s a really great company to work for overall. I love the guys I work with, everyone has a good attitude for the most part. I also just enjoy what do, I really do. I love seeing projects come together, watching how the team works together, and seeing the end result. My job always keeps me challenged, I learn new things every day.

4. What does a typical day look like for you?
I start my morning at 6 am at the warehouse. Get the truck ready, load it up with tools, equipment, and furniture needed for the day. We always stretch in the mornings to make sure we are ready and don’t get hurt. Then we drive out to the job site and I usually take my lunch break around 10 am. I leave the site around 2:30 pm then head back to the warehouse. Once we are back, we offload the truck, sanitize it, and check it back in.
5. You mentioned you have few guys who work underneath you…what do you do to keep them motivated?
I believe in leading by example. I show up and work hard every day. I get in there and get my hands dirty with them.
6. How has COVID-19 impacted your role?
I think there is definitely more pressure to keep the guys safe. Making sure that they are staying apart 6 feet from each other. We are all wearing masks/bandanas or face guards, and gloves. But, we always wore gloves even before the virus, that is standard. We are also doing more sanitizing than usual. We wipe down the truck every day when we are done. We’ve done a great job here at G|M making sure that none of our staff members have gotten sick.
7. In what way(s) do you think the coronavirus will have long-term impacts on your job?
I think we will begin to see a lot of new and different types of health safety furniture, especially in hospitals. Since the virus, we have been disinfecting furniture so that maybe something that continues on even after the virus is over.
8. Do you have a favorite project?
One project that stands out to me is Sempra Headquarters, a few years ago. We helped them fill 17 floors of product – everything from private offices to workstations, tables, seating, everything you could think of. It was very challenging and pushed me to my limits, but also very fun. It was great seeing it all come together and all of the hard work that went into it in the end.
9. Where do you hope your career takes you next?
I want to continue learning and growing, taking on any new challenges that come my way. Maybe go for a Project Management role one day, we’ll see.
10. Who or what has shaped who you are?
My dad. He is my mentor. He did furniture installation too and was a really hard worker. He always led by example so it was easy to follow in his footsteps. I definitely take after him in a lot of ways.
11. Do you have a favorite piece of furniture?
Yes, actually! The Noguchi Table. I purchased one and use it as my coffee table at home. I love the design and the quality.

12. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Spend time with my family, my wife and baby girl. My daughter is 12-years old and is in ballet so weekends are usually spent taking her to ballet practice, she loves it. We go camping in Mexico a lot too. Our favorite campsite is called Las Canadas, it's very clean and has bathrooms and clean running water so my whole family really enjoys it.
13. If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
Superman, so I can offload trucks and get them in the building by myself (laughing)!
14. Do you have a most treasured possession?
All of my little girl’s stuff from when she was a baby, like her little shoes and outfits.
15. Favorite food?
Pepperoni Pizza!