Behind the Scenes with Brittany Dambrose
Meet Brittany Dambrose, a talented Account Executive based in G|M’s San Diego Office with a background in design.
Tell us about your experience with G|M.
I started with G|M back in April of 2012 so I’m just about ready to celebrate 8 years here—which is crazy to think about! I was hired in a hybrid role, so I was trained as a job captain and designer. I really enjoyed the hybrid position because it allowed me to do dabble in both worlds and perform multiple tasks, as opposed to the same thing over and over again. I then transitioned into the YES department, where I assisted the walk-ins in our showroom, which is where my introduction to sales began. The YES department was a ton of fun. I got to meet a lot of interesting people which keep me on my toes! Overtime, I started taking on larger clients and could no longer assist the walk-ins and juggle my own job captain duties and designs so I moved into sales full time.
1, What is it that you love about your role here?
I love meeting and helping people, not to mention I just LOVE furniture and design. People spend the majority of their day working in an office, performing tasks to keep their operations up and running. Whereas my team and I spend our day ensuring our designs and furniture selections support each client’s needs, so they can thrive in their environment naturally.
2. Tell us about your background.
I was born and raised in San Diego and always had a passion for interior design. I decided to stay local and attended the Art Institute of San Diego and received my BS in Interior Design. When I graduated from AI in 2008, we were in a recession, so I had a difficult time finding a career. I was lucky enough to find a job in home staging. We worked with local realtors to furnish empty properties or re-design, declutter and depersonalize lived in properties. Then in 2012 one of my best friends from college got a job with G|M and the rest is history.
3. You mentioned you love furniture…do you have a favorite piece?
Gosh—that is so tough (laughing). I would probably have to say the classic Herman Miller Eames Plastic Molded Side Chair. They are so colorful and iconic.

4. What about a favorite client or project?
Well, of course, I love all of my clients (laughing). Over the last few years, I’ve been lucky enough to work with a two non-profits that have had a huge impact on me. One of my nonprofit clients creates affordable housing and most recently, they’ve been focusing on providing housing for people experiencing homelessness, most of which are veterans. They work with another organization that supports the residents by helping them reacclimate into the world and gain back their independence by helping them find employment, doctors, and such. Attending the grand openings and hearing how these two non-profits work together and have changed the lives of thousands of people was really moving. I’m so grateful to work with their team to design and select furniture for the studio apartments, community rooms, the onsite managers and support staff offices and exterior lounges.
5. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love music so anytime I can see a live show or concert I’m in my happy place. I’m pretty eclectic when it comes to music too but reggae and indie seem to be of my favorite genres. My dad was always playing music growing up and I remember begging him to put on Fleetwood Mac and Cat Stevens albums. He has influenced my love of music and now I enjoy sharing new bands with him.
6. Do you have a favorite designer?
Ray and Charles Eames! I learned so much about them in school was just in awe what creative geniuses those two are and how they've shaped the furniture industry.

7. Who has influenced you the most?
My mom! She battles with two autoimmune diseases and regardless of how she feels that day, she gets up with a smile and shares it with the world. She taught me to always smile, be kind, and make small talk. I used to be embarrassed as a kid when she’d talk to strangers and now I find myself doing the same thing. You never know what a person is going through and a little bit of kindness goes a long way.
8. Favorite animal?
Octopus! They are just so beautiful, majestic, and smart! I’ll never forget seeing one while snorkeling in Catalina. I started screaming out of my snorkel and my brother swam over thinking I was hurt but it was just pure excitement!

9. Do you have a most prized possession?
Yes, I actually do! I was lucky enough to inherit two lamps from my great-grandmother. She ordered them by catalog and they were made in Venice. As a kid, I remember being infatuated with them, probably because they are 4’ tall. One is a girl and the other is a boy. They are both pouring water from a pitcher into a cup, which I know sounds weird but the details and lampshade alone are incredible.

10. Last or tea?
Both! Coffee in the morning and I sip on tea all throughout the day. I also love hosting tea parties!